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Considerations for International Visitors

Each year, GAO receives hundreds of requests for international visitors to come to the agency to learn more about its mission, organization, and work. GAO values these visits as an important opportunity to build professional networks, share knowledge, and strengthen the capacity of Supreme Audit Institutions (GAO’s direct counterpart in other countries). However, due to the agency’s limited resources, GAO is unable to accept all visits.

To be considered for a visit, requests must relate to the scope of GAO's work. In addition, GAO prioritizes visit requests accordingly:

  1. Visitors from a Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), with the highest priority placed on visits from heads of SAIs.
  2. Visitors from a Parliament or Congress.
  3. Visitors from a national or central-level ministry and have subject matter expertise/knowledge of work relevant to GAO’s work or mission.
  4. Visitors from a non-governmental organization and have subject matter expertise/knowledge of work relevant to GAO’s work or mission.

Due to GAO’s numerous international commitments through INTOSAI and the GAO International Auditor Fellowship Program, GAO is generally only accepting visits from heads of SAIs until December 2024. In some circumstances, we will conduct virtual meetings for lower priority visit requests. 

Requests that are frequently declined include the following:

  • Visitors interested in topics outside GAO’s scope of work.
  • Visitors from foreign countries’ state or local governments (i.e. not at the federal level).
  • Visitors from foreign countries’ private research firms or businesses.
  • Visitors who are current international students at U.S. universities.
  • Visitors who are interested in internship opportunities. (Learn more about GAO's internship program.)

If you are interested in visiting GAO, please submit the International Visitors Program form (PDF—right click and choose "Save Link As" or "Save Target As" to download) no later than three weeks prior to the date of your requested visit. GAO’s Office of Strategic Planning and External Liaison will contact you to discuss your request.

If we are unable to accommodate your request, please note there are other ways we can facilitate information exchange. For example, we can direct you to specific GAO reports on the subjects you are interested in or send you an information packet about GAO.

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